January 4, 2013

”Don’t tell your daughters to not

go out. Tell your sons to behave

and respect properly”.

Powerful sign from India’s rape tragedy. This even applies to just a woman walking down the street I’m tired of how some fucking “men” act on a regular basis! I hope India’s movement to stop how female sex crime victims get treated moves forward with the utmost regard for future women’s rights.
If you want to weigh out harmless catcalling, inappropriate remarks, gestures and harassing as nothing or not as equal to rape then you should go take a crash course in how to be a decent human being.
Tolerance of these perceived “less threatening” acts needs to stop now. We have a zero-tolerance policy for things such as bullying and violence that are shown to cause detrimental emotional and behavioral effects YET when a girl walks down the street and is harassed from a car full of rowdy young men it’s nothing. 
This is unacceptable. The rhetoric and culture around women, rape, and just simply respect needs to be addressed.
I’m sorry but India’s rape tragedy has been bothering me so much lately, I hear and track the updates on the story and just get disgusted. What’s worse is that it takes a public outrage to finally address something that needs to be addressed everywhere.
I pray for the victims, the women everyday who are subjected to this useless nonsense and I pray for the future of not only women’s rights in India but around the world.

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